b'Section Three: Core Competency UnitsPeri-operative ManagementDescription:At the end of training, the trainee will be able to provide perioperative care for patients with significant co-morbidities, including pre-operative assessment and risk stratification, preparation and optimisation prior to surgery, and plan for early postoperative care to minimise potential harmful consequences of surgery. Legend for Competency TableDomain KSA Expected Standards AssessmentHISTORY TAKINGPA_C_1 2,3 A Communicates in a satisfactory manner with the patient Mini-CEXObtains a relevant historyRecognises the importance of different elements of historyRecognises that patients do not always present history in a structured PA_C_2 2 S fashion Mini-CEXKnows the likely causes and risk factors for conditions relevant to modeof presentationRecognises that the patients concerns and the history should inform examination, investigation and managementDemonstrates satisfactory proficiency in obtaining a history specifically PA_C_3 2.3 S relevant to the planned anaesthesia and surgery including: IACA history of the presenting complaint for surgeryA systematic comprehensive relevant medical historyPA_C_4 6 K Gives examples of how common co-existing diseases affect anaestheticMCAImanagement and perioperative risk Understands the severity and stability of the disease, and outlinesappropriate management or referral for consultation with otherspecialities to optimise the patient for surgery CardiovascularHypertensionIschaemic heart diseaseCardiomyopathyArrhythmias, Heart blocks Congestive Cardiac Failure Implantable devices: pacemakers, AICD (automated implantablecardioverter defibrillator), valve diseaseRespiratoryCOPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Asthma,PA_C_5 4,7,8 S OSA (obstructive sleep apnoea) FCAIMetabolic/EndocrineDiabetes Mellitus, Epilepsy, ArthritisElectrolyte disordersObesityThyroid diseaseSteroid useHaematological/ImmunologicalTherapeutic anticoagulation, including bridgingInherited bleeding disorders: sickle cell, vWillebrandsGastrointestinalHiatus hernia, GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)RenalInfectious DiseasePsychiatric/Behavioural disease38 Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme'