b'Section Two: Training RegulationsGovernance Requirements for TraineesTraining and Education Committee Structure of Training ProgrammeThe Training and Education Committee of the CollegeSpecialist Anaesthesiology Training (SAT), including (the Training Committee) has overall responsibility forIntensive Care Medicine (ICM) and Pain Medicine, the implementation and maintenance of the Nationalcomprises a programme of training, assessment, formal Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme (theexamination and accreditation which is organised and Training Programme or Programme). The Committeeregulated by the CAI. The minimum duration of the is governed by the Terms of Reference as stipulated byprogramme is six years.This is generally structured as the Council of the College (the Council). The Trainingtwo years of basic training (SAT 1 & 2) and four years of Committee is responsible for the following: general and sub-specialty training (SAT 3 - 6).Approval of hospital training posts; Entry to the programme is by competition including Recruitment of trainees for the training programme; interview. Transition from SAT 2 to SAT 3 is subject to Allocation of trainees to approved hospital postssuccessful completion of the Membership Examination (rotations); and a Progression Review. To transition from SAT 5 Assessment and progression of trainees during theto SAT 6, the trainee must hold the Fellowship of the programme; College by having successfully completed the Fellowship Recommendation for award of CSCST. Examination and complete a Progression Review. At both of these milestones, (i.e. at the end of SAT 2 and end of The day to day administration of the Programme isSAT 5) a formal progression interview takes place where managed by the CAI Training Department (Trainingall aspects of training to date will be reviewed. A summary Department), overseen by the Director and Deputyof the key requirements of the SAT Programme are Director of Postgraduate Training and Education, theillustrated below: Directors. The Training Committee reports to Council.Progression Committee TIME Minimum 6 yearsThe Progression Committee is a sub-committee of the Training Committee. The Progression CommitteeCorehas oversight of the Progression Review process.TheCLINICALModularCommittee comprises the following: DOMAINS Specialty ModularDirector of Training;Deputy Director of Training; MCAIChair of Training who will also Chair the ProgressionEXAMS FCAICommittee;A second member of Council who should be either a member of the Council Executive or another Chair whoTrainingsits on the Training Committee; COURSES SimulationTraining Manager;Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operations Officer.In Training AssessmentsThe role of the Progression Committee is to ensureASSESSMENT Progression Reviewsall Progression Reviews are completed annually andExit Interviewto adjudicate on issues regarding trainee progression referred to it by the Training Department. Further detailsAnaesthesiologyare outlined under Progression Review. CSCST Intensive Care MedicinePain Medicine16 Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme'