The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland is committed to supporting Trainees wellbeing throughout their working life. The College advises Trainees to monitor their physical and emotional wellbeing and to seek assistance early if they have any concerns or feel they are experiencing significant stress. It is important to adhere to the medical advice and management plans of the doctors who support you. Remember to prioritise your own health and wellbeing so that you can in turn support the patients in your care.
The Importance of GP Support
We advise Trainees to make sure they have registered with a General Practitioner, who is neither a friend nor a family member and who will ensure that professional boundaries are maintained in all decision making. Though you will have your own thoughts on diagnosis and appropriate interventions, bring an open mind to the consultation and just ‘be a patient’. Most GPs are very comfortable with treating doctors as patients and are registered with the HIP Network. You may contact the network to find the name of such a GP in your area if you have not already registered. The ICGP have also established a National GP Directory for NCHDs, Trainees and Interns. It lists GPs who have indicated that they have capacity to register NCHDs, trainees and interns seeking a GP within their locality during their clinical rotations. Please click here for further information.
College Supports
Designated Tutor within each Training Site | Training@coa.ie |
Directors of Training: Contact Dr. Amy Donnelly & Dr. Jenny Porter | Training@coa.ie |
Training Department: Contact Jennie Shiels | Training@coa.ie |
Exams Department: Contact Ruth Flaherty | Exams@coa.ie |
CAI Wellness Committee: Dr. Therese O’Connor | Training@coa.ie |
Committee of Anaesthesiology Trainees: Contact Dr Paul Ryan | CAT@coa.ie |
HSE Supports
General Practitioner | HIP Network |
HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit – Contact Dr Lynda Sisson | HR.wellbeing@hse.ie |
The Employee Assistance and Counselling Service (EACS) | EACS |
Pieta House | www.pieta.ie or call 188 247 247 |
Samaritans | www.samaritans.org or call 01 116 123 |
Your Mental Health | www.yourmentalhealth.ie |
Practitioner Health Matters | www.practitionerhealth.ie |
Association of Anaesthetists
Wellbeing & Supports: Information and advice on wellbeing for doctors from the Association of Anaesthetists please click here.
CAREhub, is an independent and confidential support service designed for medical students, doctors, and members of the public engaging with the Medical Council’s regulatory processes.
CAREhub offers:
- 24/7/365 access to trained counsellors for immediate, confidential wellbeing support.
- A supportive, non-judgmental service focused on compassion, assistance, respect, and empathy.
- Assurance of complete privacy – no personal or sensitive information is shared with the Medical Council, employers, or third parties.
- Independence from the Medical Council, with no access to regulatory or personal files.
The goal is to provide a safe space for those navigating challenging situations, ensuring they feel supported every step of the way.
Click HERE to download a referral leaflet with more detailed information about CAREhub and how to access their services.
If you suspect a colleague may be considering self-harm, please review this HSE approved advice from your College.