Results: FCAI Clinical Examination Spring 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the FCAI Clinical Examination on 2nd & 3rd April 2019 .
Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
The following candidates have been successful:
27002 27020 27035 27049 27063
27004 27021 27038 27050 27064
27005 27024 27040 27051 27066
27007 27027 27041 27053 27067
27009 27030 27042 27054 27068
27011 27031 27043 27056 27070
27012 27032 27044 27058 27071
27015 27033 27045 27059 27072
27018 27034 27046 27060 27073