General Advisory
Correct use of OVID/WoltersKluwer journal access
Dear Trainee/Member/Fellow,
In an effort to contain costs, CAI pays for only a small number of simultaneous access licences for online journal access. This may mean that if you try to access when others are already online, you may be turned away and told to try later.
However it is very important that when you do have access, you use the OVID/WK site as follows:
- Once you have gained access to the site, do not use your browser back and forward buttons to navigate the journals. Instead, use the OVID/WK internal navigation system. Using your browser buttons will make it appear to the site that you are a new user trying to access (when in fact you already have access) and may thus result in the maximum permissible number of simultaneous users being exceeded. This will then block others, and you, from further access.
- Always log out of the OVID/WK site to free up access for others.