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Test Article
Test Article Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vel euismod nunc. Praesent quis massa sed urna molestie tincidunt ac auctor augue. Morbi tempor lectus viverra lacus pellentesque sodales ut sit amet velit. Nullam molestie eleifend libero, non porttitor urna consequat vel. In sed nisi ut ante facilisis pharetra. Phasellus quis elit erat. Maecenas fringilla nisi et ipsum tincidunt a fermentum sapien adipiscing. Donec diam felis, varius id iaculis et, aliquet sed dui. Phasellus et metus augue. Nulla erat leo, dapibus a…
Primary FCAI
MCAI Membership Examination**Important Notice: From January 2017 Single Best Answer (SBAs) will be introduced to the MCAI examination on a phased basis. Online Application for MCAI MCQ Who is eligible for the Membership CAI MCQ? Any medical practitioner with a primary medical qualification acceptable to the Irish Medical Council (IMC) will be eligible to sit the MCAI MCQ Examination. For a list of acceptable qualifications please see here: What is the structure of the exam? The Membership examination is made up…
Membership MCAI
Membership CAI Examination Who is eligible for the Membership CAI MCQ? Any medical practitioner with a primary medical qualification acceptable to the Irish Medical Council (IMC) will be eligible to sit the MCAI MCQ Examination and has been employed as an anaesthetist for 6 months, prior to the date of the particular exam applied for. For a list of acceptable qualifications please see here: What is the structure of the exam? The MCQ paper is made up of…
Final FCAI
Final Fellowship CAI Examination 2.1 Eligibility An individual is eligible to enter for the Final Examination leading to the award of Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland who: Has passed within 10 years preceding the current examination date, or is exempt from, the Membership CAI (previously known as the Primary). Please see exemption details at 2.2 Has completed 36 months in the practice of anaesthesia. Additionally, where the applicant is on the Irish National Anaesthesia Training Programme, he/she must have completed…