IAS Symposium 2025
The IAS are very excited to see you at their 2025 Symposium which this year will be hosted jointly by University College Dublin and St Vincent’s University Hospital.
The programme is available for download below.
Due to the huge demand for their previous symposia, they are running a bigger event this year over one and a half days, so they can fit in as many interactive workshops and key note speakers as possible.
For the first time they will also have a social event for all attendees and this will be included in your registration fee.
They hope you will join them after the first day’s events in the University Club, UCD for a drink and some food. It should be a wonderful opportunity to network with your fellow sim enthusiasts!
Another great new feature of this year’s symposium is the collaboration with their colleagues in veterinary medicine simulation. We look forward to collaborating and learning from each other.
As in previous years, your registration fee will also confer IAS membership for a year.
Follow the link below to register for the meeting and also please see the link to submit a short abstract if you would like to share your current sim projects and research with the IAS by presenting on the day.
The IAS seeks presentations on any aspect of veterinary and human healthcare simulation. Abstracts may cover any topic related to healthcare simulation. For example, this could include a description of an innovative educational programme, or a research or quality improvement activity. Presentations will be in the form of a short E Poster (a single PowerPoint slide). Each poster presenter will have 4 minutes to communicate the key ideas from the poster, followed by 2 minutes for questions. Word limit for submission is 200 words. Please include a title and all author names and affiliations with your submission. Please submit your abstract to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IAS25 Prizes will be awarded for the best presentation across a number of simulation themes.
Closing date for abstract submission is Monday, 7 April at 5pm.