2025 Results
May 26, 2022
The following candidates have been successful in the FJFICMI Clinical examination on the 26th May 2022:
April 29, 2022
The following candidates have been successful in the FJFICMI written examination on the 28th April 2022:
February 17, 2022
The list of successful candidates for this examination is as follows: 105730 107080 107349 108049 108092 108156 105900 107083 107353 108054 108137 108157 105902 107182 107397 108061 108146 108161 106808 107241 107434 108074 108147 108164 106870 107254 107436 108076 108149 108165 107051 107264 107438 108081 108151 108166 107067 107308 108047 108090 108155 108167
April 28, 2021
April 12, 2021
The college are delighted to announce the CAT Careers Evening Webinar that takes place on the 12th April at 18:30 – 20:00 The event will include speakers Dr Fidelma Kirby, Consultant in Anaesthesiology (Temple Street University Hospital), Dr Áine O’Gara (Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesiology St.James’s Hospital) & Professor Ger Curley (Professor of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Beaumont Hospital and RCSI) You can view the programme here CAT Careers Evening Poster V2 Click to see link to register and access webinar here
December 22, 2020
The pass-list of successful candidates is below: 101974 104054 104324 104697 104875 105304 105374 105966 106454 107184 103027 104195 104325 104705 104897 105305 105486 106143 106485 107194 103094 104241 104334 104706 104909 105325 105489 106144 106770 107220 103596 104259 104349 104707 105013 105334 105560 106160 106823 107238 103801 104265 104375 104715 105026 105335 105578 106286 106887 103961 104266 104413 104721 105037 105337 105583 106341 106928 103978 104271 104467 104743 105078 105339 105726 106363 106934 104019 104281 104469 104749 105111 105342 105815 106411 106958 104041 104299…
November 12, 2020
The pass-list of successful candidates will be shown here on 11 Dec 2020. The deadline for applications for the FCAI Written Exam in Feb 2021 has been extended to Dec 21 2020.
October 14, 2020
The pass-list of successful candidates is below: 101974 104706 105334 105552 106823 103851 104764 105335 105583 106893 103978 104875 105337 105726 107184 104241 104897 105339 105852 107189 104265 105013 105341 105966 107194 104362 105206 105342 106297 107220 104375 105295 105348 106411 107238 104413 105304 105350 106415 107242 104427 105305 105359 106448 104697 105325 105374 106485 Applications for the clinical component are open until Friday, 6 Nov, 2020.
September 25, 2020
Congratulations! All candidates in this examination have been successful.
September 18, 2020
The following candidates have been successful: 100692 106482 106520 107032 107171 107193 107222 103236 106486 106521 107057 107173 107198 107223 105122 106492 106526 107061 107175 107201 107224 105248 106493 106534 107078 107176 107202 107231 105950 106498 106536 107142 107177 107204 107233 105960 106500 106539 107144 107178 107207 105961 106501 106542 107149 107179 107208 105973 106503 106718 107153 107180 107209 106461 106509 106799 107155 107183 107210 106465 106511 106835 107163 107186 107213 106466 106513 106916 107166 107187 107216 106469 106517 106926 107168 107188 107219
August 27, 2020
The following candidates have been successful: 82001 82002 82003 82004 82005 82007 82008 82011 82013 82014 82015 You will be notified of your clinical exam hospital allocation by email soon. Applications for the clinical can be downloaded from both CAI and Joint Faculty websites. Please email applications to aharte@coa.ie
February 10, 2020
The pass-list of successful candidates in the Membership MCQ Examination of the 22nd January 2020 will be shown here on Friday 14th February, 5pm (approx):
December 18, 2019
The following candidates have been successful in the Membership CAI OSCE-SOE Examination of the 5th,6th & 7th December 2019:
November 28, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the FCAI Clinical Examination on 26 and 27 November 2019 . Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
November 7, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership CAI OSCE-SOE Dublin on the 05 and 06 November 2019 . Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
October 21, 2019
The pass-list of candidates for the Final Fellowship Written exam of 25th September is below.
October 4, 2019
The pass-list will be shown here no later than 5pm, on Friday, 18th October.
September 24, 2019
The pass-list of successful candidates for the examination of the 4th September is now below:
September 19, 2019
The pass-list will be shown here no later than 5pm, on Wednesday, 25th September.
July 3, 2019
The pass-list of successful candidates for the examination of 12th June 2019 is now below:
June 26, 2019
The pass-list of successful candidates for the examination of 12th June 2019 will be published here on Wednesday, 3rd July 2019
May 24, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the FJFICMI Clinical Examination on the 17th May 2019 .
May 21, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful in the Diploma in Pain Management Examination on 20th May 2019 .
May 21, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful in the Fellowship in Pain Medicine examination on 20th May 2019 .
April 17, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the FJFICMI Written Examination on 11th April 2019 .
April 4, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the FCAI Clinical Examination on 2nd & 3rd April 2019 . Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
March 14, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership CAI OSCE-SOE Dublin on 12th & 13th March 2019 . Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
March 11, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership CAI OSCE-SOE Oman Medical Specialty Board 01 & 02 March 2019 . Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
February 26, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Final Fellowship Written Examination of 5th February 2019. Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
February 6, 2019
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership CAI MCQ Examination on 23rd January 2019 Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
November 29, 2018
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Final FCAI Fellowship Clincal SOE Exam 27th/28th November 2018 Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination.
November 23, 2018
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the CAI Perdana University Malaysia 8th & 9th November 2018. Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination. The following candidates have been successful:
October 25, 2018
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership CAI OSCE/SOE Examination – 23rd and 24th October. Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination. The following candidates have been successful:
October 19, 2018
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Final Fellowship Written Examination – 26th September 2018. Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination. The following candidates have been successful:
September 25, 2018
Please read below the list of candidates that have been successful for the Membership MCQ 5th September 2018. Each candidate will be issued with an official confirmation letter from the College of Anaesthesiologists shortly by post. This will contain a result breakdown of your performance on the different components of the examination. The following candidates have been successful:
Membership CAI OSCE/SOE – 12th February 2025 Malaysia
The following candidates have been successful:
107849 | 108640 | 108667 | 108930 |
Final Fellowship CAI – 13th February 2025 Malaysia
The following candidates have been successful:
104645 | 105101 | 105789 | 105806 | 106305 | 107362 |
107519 | 107800 | 107812 | 107826 |
MCAI MCQ examination 22nd January 2025. The following candidates have been successful:
105737 | 109289 | 109393 | 109457 | 200159 | 200294 |
107311 | 109296 | 109395 | 109463 | 200161 | 200295 |
107382 | 109382 | 109407 | 109464 | 200165 | 200300 |
107765 | 109383 | 109411 | 109465 | 200211 | 200302 |
107964 | 109384 | 109412 | 109466 | 200257 | 200303 |
108078 | 109385 | 109442 | 109469 | 200262 | 200335 |
109034 | 109386 | 109450 | 200036 | 200290 | 200348 |
109067 | 109388 | 109452 | 200049 | 200292 | 202003 |
109068 | 109390 | 109455 | 200155 | 200293 |
Final FCAI Clinical examination 3rd & 4th December 2024. The following candidates have been successful:
103335 | 105960 | 106799 | 107075 | 107303 | 107827 | 108874 |
105058 | 106544 | 106834 | 107078 | 107305 | 107832 | 108876 |
105357 | 106607 | 106961 | 107080 | 107308 | 107852 | 108984 |
105490 | 106614 | 107051 | 107155 | 107317 | 107871 | 109050 |
105683 | 106670 | 107053 | 107157 | 107321 | 108168 | 109054 |
105751 | 106764 | 107062 | 107260 | 107356 | 108318 | 109079 |
105919 | 106777 | 107070 | 107264 | 107609 | 108448 | 109168 |
105959 | 106782 | 107072 | 107297 | 107630 | 108870 | 200113 |
200114 |
MCAI/OSCE/SOE examination for November 2024. The following candidates have been successful
105427 | 107873 | 108589 | 109144 | 200085 | 200098 |
106762 | 107959 | 108654 | 109225 | 200087 | 200099 |
106822 | 108101 | 108855 | 109233 | 200088 | 200100 |
107450 | 108137 | 108882 | 109255 | 200089 | 200116 |
107482 | 108186 | 108978 | 109308 | 200092 | 200126 |
107589 | 108206 | 109003 | 200025 | 200093 | 200186 |
107799 | 108320 | 109023 | 200052 | 200094 | |
107818 | 108498 | 109118 | 200084 | 200096 |