
CPD Events – Education Calendar 2024


17 January MCAI MCQ Online
26 January SANI Day
31 January The Fundamentals of Patient Safety and Professionalism
8 & 9  February Professionalism in Practice
22 February Examiner Training Day
28 February FCAI Written Online
 8 March MCAI OSCE Prep Course
  5 April Airway Leads Network in Ireland
 9 & 10 April MCAI OSCE/SOE, Malahide
 12 & 13 April Western Anaesthesia Symposium, Sligo
 18 April FJFICMI – Written Online
 19 April ISRA update day 2024 – CAI
 23 & 24 April FCAI Clinical/SOE
 30 April Faculty of Pain Medicine Written Online Exam
16 & 17 May ICSI Basic Course, CAI
23 & 24 May Annual Congress of Anaesthesiology, UCD
 30 May FJFICMI – Clinical, CAI
 6 June Faculty of Pain Medicine Clinical Exam
 12 June MCAI MCQ Online
26 & 27 July ISRA and Irish Pain Society Cadaver Course (UCD)
 9 August  ISRA EDRA Preparation Course (CAI)
 5 & 6 September Beyond BASIC (Nephrology)
 18th September MCAI MCQ Online
 2 October FCAI Written Online
11 October MCAI OSCE Prep Course
 19 October Irish Pain Society ASM, UCD
 5 November Local Anaesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery Workshop, Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital
 5 & 6 November MCAI OSCE/SOE
November National Annual Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology Conference 2024
26 & 27 November European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC 11)
28 November Irish Society of Obstetric Anaesthesia (ISOA) Annual Scientific Meeting – CAI
29 November IOAA Annual Meeting, CAI
 3 & 4 December FCAI Clinical/SOE
5 December Gilmartin Lecture, CAI
  Wellness webinar – online
National Airway Masterclass, CAI
Pain Medicine Cadaver course, CAI