
The 20th North-West Obstetric Anaesthesia Forum is to be held virtually on the 7th July 2021, 13:00 - 17:00 (UK, BST). The faculty is not only from North West of England but from Canada and California too. Registrations have opened on the Periopman website and will be limited to 200 delegates only. Please see the programme for further details or visit the following website:

“I regard this discovery as one of the most important of this century. It will rank with vaccination, and other of the great benefits that medical science has bestowed on man.” So wrote John MacDonnell, surgeon to the Richmond Hospital, Dublin after the administration of the first general anaesthetic in Ireland on 1 January 1847, when he successfully amputated the arm of the 18-year-old Mary Kane without her experiencing any pain. Over the next 150 years, anaesthesia was to evolve from an apprentice-based craft to become a highly technical specialty, integral